After the Civilization 5 in the form in which we know her now, the cosmic spin-off of the series looked quite modest and did not reach his predecessor significantly. Having only a couple of interesting innovations in his hand, Beond Earth was much more boring. Was Rising Tide managed to fix the situation? Answer in our review.
Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beond Earth – Rising Tide
The best comments
More Denis on SG! Good quality content. Regarding the game – it is obvious that you will have to wait until it will first “finish” DLC, and then go to distant space lands. (True, this time, personally, I will think several times before stagnation)
Once again: where did the srach come from?
This is the Internet, do not relate to every joke, like propaganda. It will be easier to live.
Now you need to make a stream with Kulakov as with heroes, where Denis will all the time ask him “Maxim you understand everything?”
You say propaganda ..
This example: 1943, the Red Army goes on an offensive on all fronts, Levitan on the radio talks about the valor of our warriors, thereby raising the fighting spirit of the people. And then a profaneous person begins to yell that this is all a non -frying propaganda. This is the first thing you inspired.
I chew: not propaganda is an expression of the right position from Denis. He made a review for normal Russian people (first of all). And the whole normal Russian world is in solidarity with him. Not for a bunch of political liberals, a person tries. His behavior, his emotions, when I watched, took it so naturally that I did not pay attention to allegedly possible propaganda.
In Khleadin, the media is unanimously huddled with our country and no one is outraged there about this, otherwise they will burn it alive … And here it turns out that in his country a person in your opinion should not have his own opinion (the situation that the whole world has been discussing that this opinion does not coincide) if this opinion does not coincide).
Wait, do not smoke there, I remember that the reason for you was supposedly only ignorance of the reviewer of economic subtleties about apples.
And even if he began to tell (expressed by your words) “What is our holy chromosome”, it would have infuriated you very much? You don’t want the Russians (in particular the Russians) love themselves. It causes it straight? So strong that you cannot but pay attention to a harmless joke in a video review of the game.
You say “inappropriate”? But KVN is the most popular game in the CIS, it is appropriate there;Not either? And there often…
You could just calmly correct these no one you need apples (and your comment would also be lost as no one needs), well, you did not want to calmly.
Inaccuracy about apples does not change the fidelity of the main meaning about the one who has become the initiator of the sanctions. This is what he mentioned in a joke.
I doubt that your desire to pay attention to inaccuracy is based on a meaningless, demonstration of emotional craving for accuracy. Rather, on the desire to focus on the fact that our state is “guilty” in the ban on the import of damned apples.
Conclusion: a near tantrum.
Until you wrote your incredibly smart and politically objective comment, there was no srach. He divorced himself, he got over. https: // www.YouTube.COM/Watch?v = iwnhvkie7eg
Despite all the disadvantages and shortcomings, you must definitely take Add-on. He transformed the game. Thanks for the review.
Huge respect for “their sanctions! Sanctions!»I laughed heartily
If I sit for the game, I will definitely do it! 🙂
Here the fuck is to touch on a topic that you do not understand at all? Why you can’t just tell about the game? Why should you expose yourself to a fool? What does America have to do with it and the ban on the import of apples? This is our government a ban on the import of these apples. After the course of the ruble and the rise in price DLC, I just shook me and turned off the review. Well, what else to slide down? Let’s tell in other reviews what Europeans fagots and what we have a holy chromosome. Well, what’s not?!